Slow paths along the English coast: the England Coast Path

The England Coast Path (ECP) is a new national trail being created by Natural England. For the first time people will have the right of access around all our open coast both along the England Coast Path and, usually, over the associated ‘coastal margin’ – a...


A blog on the commons by our German colleagues Silke Helfrich and Jakob Bauer. All sorts of commons are discussed. You can access the blog via the following site: Disclaimer: most of the posts are in...

The LABoratory for the GOVernance of Commons (“LabGov“) – Italy

The LABoratory for the GOVernance of Commons (“LabGov“) is a place of experimentation in all respects. However, instead of alembics and tubes you can find students, scholars, experts, activists thinking and discussing about the future shapes that social, economic and...